
Industry Type : Engineering Jobs
Job Location : Tamil Nadu
Deadline: 2024-06-05

Job Description

Preferable : Experienced / Retd Engineer

You are typically responsible for the technical aspects of the construction work, especially to have a clear understanding of engineering principles, construction methods and specifications relevant to proposed work (pond renovation, school toilets, school building construction)

l You will be contributing to the planning and design of the project and assist in reviewing project specifications and coordinating with Director of REAL NGO

l You need to oversee the construction activities on-site and ensure that the work is executed according to the design, quality standards and safety regulations.

l You will be responsible to monitor and control the quantity and quality of materials used in construction sites.

l You will have to work closely with various stakeholders including contractors, suppliers, project managers, project director and donor agencies.

l You have to coordinate activities, review progress, and address any technical queries or issues that arise during construction.


About Company

All Jobs posted by: Rural Education And Action For Liberation (REAL)

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