
Industry Type : NGOs Jobs
Job Location : Uttar Pradesh
Deadline: 2024-07-20

Job Description

Education and Experience : The Counselor should be Post graduate in Psychology or Social Work with a regular course .

In case , a person with above qualification is not available , candidate with following qualification and experience may be considered :

Graduate in Psychology or Social Work ( only regular course) with minimum two years work experience in counselling or working with Tis/ Adolescent Health programs/ Mental Health/ substance Abuse or Drug- Dependence programs.

Knowledge and Skills :

• Familiarity with issues related to marginalized communities especially

with HRGs and their Families.

• Strong communication and mobilization skills.

• Ability to work in small teams, and flexible ways of working

• Proficiency in report writing , case study compilation.

• At least 10 days in field visit required.

• Overall management capacity to monitor, report and guide the team under

him/her in absence of Project Manager or any other task provided by the


Functions/ Key Results Expected:

The counselor will be responsible for managing providing counselling and communication support to the program in identifying individual or group behavior including opportunities or challenges which have implication in HIV/AIDS program. Identify motivators or inhibitors among individuals or their family members and among groups which required to be addressed through BCC sessions by outreach team as well as through one to one or one to group counselling sessions. Ensure confidentiality while dealing with individual cases. Ensure participation in project based clinics , preferred providers clinics. Health camps and would maintain patient registers, dispense medicines, demonstrate condom use , counsel on condom negotiation skills , education on NSEP , overdose prevention , abscess , OST . use of Lubrication etc.

Salary : Salary per month: 16000/- +1200/-(TA)

About Company

Naturals Care is a registered non-governmental organization (NGO) working the field of Biotechnology, Children, Civic Issues, Dalit Welfare, Disability, Disaster Management, Education & Literacy, Environment and natural resource management, Health & Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, etc. The NGO works towards the promotion of sustainable development. The NGO was established in 2002. The registration number of the organization is: 41677?(27-02-2002). The organization is operational in Haryana, India.

All Jobs posted by: Naturals Care

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