Sankalp Rehabilitation Trust, Mumbai.
Organisation working for drug users , for more details about organisation plz visit our website
Location : Mumbai Central, Mumbai
Payment Rs. 12500/- per month and travel allowance Rs. 1200/- after 3 months eligible for EPF.
Qualification: Qualified with ANM degree from any recognized institution.
• Reporting to PM of the project.
• Provide data / information required for preparation of reports.
• Prepare at least 12 case records in the prescribed format and conduct risk management plan for HRGs or their regular clients.
• Maintain records on referrals to other services, patients register, follow up register, referrals cards, reconciliation of referral cards, patient cards, condom stock and issue register, needle and syringe stock and issue register,
bio-medical waste management register, medicine stock and issue register, social marketing of condoms register or any other documents as per requirements
Sankalp Rehabilitation Trust is a registered non-governmental organization (NGO) working the field of Health & Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Prisoners Issues, etc. The NGO works towards the promotion of sustainable development. The NGO was established in 1995?. The registration number of the organization is: E-15459?(12-01-1995)?. The organization is operational in Maharashtra, India.
All Jobs posted by: Sankalp Rehabilitation Trust
Rotary India Literacy Mission (RILM) 2025-06-05
Andhra Pradesh, Chandigarh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Orissa, Uttarakhand