RFP - For the Final Evaluation of the School Transformation and Quality Education Projects

Industry Type : NGOs Jobs
Job Location : Uttar Pradesh
Deadline: 2025-03-28

Job Description

 Request for Proposal

For the Final Evaluation of the School Transformation and Quality Education Projects

About Educo

Educo has been working in 18 countries across the globe including India. Educo started interventions in India since 1998 with the aim to create a world where all children fully enjoy their rights and lead a dignified life. Educo in partnership with the local NGOs has reached out benefiting more than 136,000 children and young people. Over the years, Educo India’s interventions have been carried out in Maharashtra, Odisha and Karnataka States. Presently all programmatic activities are implemented through local partners.

Educo has a long-term vision for development which is guided by the Global Impact Framework (GIF) 2030, Global Programmatic Framework (GPF) 2020-25 and in the light of GIF and GPF country office level, Educo has Country Programmatic Framework (CPF) 2025 and three programs for Education, Protection and Participation/governance. Educo has developed an impact measurement system to consolidate the progress from all 14 countries. Therefore, it is important to see the impact of the child protection projects in the light of CPF and GPF and how these interventions are contributing to the overall vision of Educo. The external evaluation will reflect on Educo’s aims and objectives and highlight the project’s contribution.

The core issues addressed by Educo India and its partners include child marriage, child trafficking, continuity in education, access to quality education, safety in schools and communities, gender-based discrimination, seasonal migration, etc. Educo will ensure the timely disbursement of funds as per the approved budget towards the implementation of project activities for the said period. The Partner will attempt to leverage other resources including from the government, if necessary, to ensure effective implementation of project services towards children.

Educo is supporting Save the Children India (Vipla Foundation) on the School Transformation Program (STP) and Matru Schaya Social Welfare Society (MSSWS) on the Quality Education Program (QEP). Both projects started on 1st July 2023 and will end on 30th June 2025. 

About implementation partners Vipla Foundation (VF/STCI) and MSSWS.

Save The Children India (Vipla Foundation) has worked with vulnerable children for over 30 years, and is committed to a world where no child is exploited or discriminated against. The organisation has partnered with district and state governments to evolve solutions for children with disabilities, those rescued from trafficking and those with inadequate access to pre-primary and primary schooling which results in them being more vulnerable to dropping out of school. STCI’s focus on engaging community members as staff and advisers ensures that the local community is at the centre of the intervention and that there is a contribution to the social capital of the community as a result of the intervention.

Matru Schaya Social Welfare Society (MSSWS) has over 20 years of experience working with tribal communities in the Dahanu block. They have been running the Gnanmata boarding for children since 1999, providing residential services for boys and girls between 6 to 14 years, enabling them to access government schools and complete elementary education. Educo had supported the boarding at the start of its partnership with MSSWS and for the last 3 years shifted its focus to 19 villages of Dahanu block to improve the quality of services for children for their optimal growth and development. Realising the importance of children’s participation and the positive experience of engaging with children during the evaluation and project planning phase, the proposed project will make attempts to strengthen the role of child Parliament and increase children’s participation at the implementation and monitoring stages of the project. Also, a child safeguarding policy has been developed to ensure every child receiving residential service is protected from abuse and exploitation.

Educo proposes a joint evaluation of two local partners: Save the Children India (Vipla Foundation) for the School Transformation Program (STP) and Matru Schaya Social Service Welfare Society (MSSWS) for the Quality Education Program (QEP). The MSSWS project is a rural initiative in Dahanu block, Palghar District, while the STCI project is an urban initiative in Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC). Both projects commenced in July 2023 and are set to conclude on June 30, 2025. 

A suitable candidate/agency who possesses:

Post Graduate Degree/ PhD in the field of Social Science or other similar fields

10 years combined experience working on the evaluation of education projects

Experience in child-friendly methodologies

Experience in evaluation with a participative approach

Excellent written and communication skills in English, Hindi and Marathi

The candidate must be willing to commit to working with the organization and complete the task by 17th June 2025.


The total budget is Rs.6.5 lakhs, covering all expenses, including travel, accommodation, data collection, and report production.

How to apply

Interested individual consultant or an agency can submit their technical and financial proposal by 28th March  2025 regarding any queries, please write before 21st  March  2025 at info.india@educo.org, The detailed Terms of Reference for the evaluation are attached.  

Educo is committed to creating a safer environment for children and adolescents by complying with its child Safeguarding policy, Policy on Protection Against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PPSEAH) and Code of Conduct that governs all persons working, directly or indirectly. This includes signature, acceptance, and application by the person or team who will be involved during the evaluation process. 

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