Special Educator for persons with Intellectual Disability- 23 Posts
Education Qualifications:
• Full-time qualification in any of the following from RCI-recognised institutions:
• Bachelor of Education in Special Education (Intellectual Disability / Autism Spectrum Disorder/Learning Disability/ Multiple disabilities) / Bachelor of Rehab Science /2Years diploma in special education (Intellectual Disability / Autism Spectrum Disorder / Cerebral Palsy / Multiple Disabilities).
• A minimum of 3 years of post-qualification experience in areas relating to service delivery in cognition issues for Differently – Abled Persons, particularly in care, support and rehabilitation services.
• Preference should be given to Differently Abled Persons or persons belonging to Differently - Abled Persons' families who fulfil the eligibility criteria.
Brief Responsibilities:
• Individual case management and special education services to Differently - Abled Persons.
• Training Differently-Abled Persons/ caregivers in disability management.
• Providing family and community services through the regular Home
All Jobs posted by: Global Trust for the Differently Abled
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