Welcome To Akhil Bhartiya Jan Kalyan And Sewa Sangh

Akhil Bhartiya Jan Kalyan Seva Sangh is a leading multi-disciplinary research institute offering highly specialized services in Development & Socio-Economic Research, Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Trainings and Consulting.

We specialize in Governance particularly in evolving Participatory models for Governance, Agriculture, Natural Resources Management, women child development, watershed, water conservation, skills development, Education, Public Health & Nutrition, Institutional Development, Transport and Tourism, Gender Inclusion, Rural and Urban Development, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

Akhil Bhartiya Jan Kalyan Seva Sangh draws its expertise from a full time highly experienced and dedicated group of professionals from all walks of life. We have permanent office in Mathura (UP), and have a proven track record of delivering cutting edge research and advisory services using this network of offices cost-effectively.


To empower the weakest and the marginalized sections of the society by enhancing access to equitable development opportunities, particularly to children, youth and women, through the development and implementation of innovative and scalable programmes in the sectors of Education, Health, Skill Development, Natural Resource Management, Gender Inclusion and Livelihood.


To emerge, by 2030, as the best organization in UP excelling in the field of research & development, gender and socio-economic inclusion and other social welfare activities.

We have 80G, 12A, PAN Card, Annual Reports, Audit Reports documents.

Er. Veer Bhan Singh 9219657210, 0565-6539061

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