Welcome To Education For All In Africa (EDUCAF)

Education for All in Africa – EDUCAF focuses on: - Social engagement with issues of global poverty, illiteracy, development, health, and environment. - Fund-raising, public policies affecting education and health, representation with policy makers. - The promotion of education in Cameroon and Africa to help eradicate illiteracy. - Promotes and provides education and human right education in Cameroon and Africa. - Promotes Inclusive Education in its effort to help the disabled individuals in various communities have equal right to quality and equal education and opportunities like others. - Developing and sustaining effective international partnerships. - Provides free supports to underprivileged students, street children, disabled people, poor communities and villages so they enjoy equal access to education, and also to reinforce and promote the right to equal education for all. - Develop communities’ and individuals’ capacities to foster self-employment and sustainable development. - International development collaboration, research, and training. - Risk Management, best practices in management, budgeting, and staffing.

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Gilbert Mbeh +237 - 97 38 30 51,

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