Garima Samaj Vikas Sanathan

Garima Samaj Vikas Sanathan

A Hope for Helpless Manage   Silver Membership 523

Welcome To Garima Samaj Vikas Sanathan

Garima Samaj Vikas Sansthaan (GSVS) is a registered not-for-profit organization based in Patna, Bihar. The society intends to empower the deprived with education, social and economic self-reliance for sustainable development. Since 2006, it has been implementing projects in the core areas of education, health, livelihood, empowerment, community development and skill development. The action areas are majorly Patna and Buxar districts where unemployment and migration leads to adverse impact on children’s education and also health.

The organization has been making sincere efforts towards sustainable development by implementing various need and rights based activities/initiatives such as campaigns, capacity building, formation & promotion of SHGs, non-formal educational activities, medical camps, skills and placement, etc. The organization has successfully implemented all activities through Participatory Methodology for promotion of people’s participation, development of ownership, attitude, leadership quality and sustainability of the activities.

We have PAN Card documents.

Pragya 9334637510, 06183-285259

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