Gram-Utthan (GU) which means ‘Raising of Village’ is a non-profit, secular organization working for the Poorest of the Poor (POP) in 15 districts of Odisha state, India. GU, as a Non- Governmental Development Organization (NGDO), was registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. Gram-Utthan as a formal organization works with marginalized and underprivileged section of rural population with a special emphasis to women, children, vulnerable and unskilled youth, socio-economically backward groups such as tribal, farmers, people coming under below poverty line category and other poor groups to better their own lives through sustainable livelihood development, promotion of microenterprise, financial inclusion, portability of entitlements, addressing issues related to climate change, accessing safe drinking water and sanitation, skills for life etc. Our participatory process motivates our primary stakeholders to work together to fight poverty, exploitation and discrimination so they can one day become free and equal members of society.
Since its inception Gram-Utthan has organized, explored and initiated many activities, with help from various individuals and partners, in its effort to eradicate economic and social issues. The experienced, energetic, dynamic and committed organizational network of Gram-Utthan has made it a fast growing and successful institution within a short period of time in the development arena.
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