Eunuch Programe:
Besides the upliftment of social and economic condition of the down trodden people in rural area Nirmala Samaj Kalyan Sangstha is also working for the development of Eunuch.
To us it seems that the Eunuch are not only deprived by the societies but also deprived by the Govt. for decades after decades.
In such circumstances when Nirmala Samaj Kalyan Sangstha is trying to resolve the conditions of down trodden people in rural areas, it is also thinking for the Eunuch for their upliftment in various manners such as social status, education, dwelling places, mental conditions, etc.
We believe that these huge numbers of human resources have unique talent within themselves but due to mismanagement of our so called society we are unable to utilize talent or power in proper manner. We further believe that if our society gives them all the facilities properly and behave with them like others then surely the society will benefit by them.
Keeping that view in our mind we are working among them. We have already issued Identify Card among them in some places in West Bengal. We are trying to give them proper education by setting up schools and also trying to build up dwelling places within Eunuch may get more close contact with the customs and culture of the society.
The great reformer of Indian history Swami Vivekananda once told:
The meanings of the above lines are the person who loves all the loving creatures in this world, automatically loves the God. We also firmly believe on that and assume that the Eunuchs are also among us and we shall have to do something good for them. We think it is our moral duty to look into the matter. All these noble works cannot be done alone by the Sangstha as it requires external help from Govt. and Private Sectors.
We have 80G, 12AA, PAN Card, Annual Reports, Audit Reports documents.
soumen chakraborty 9312735826, 9015383619
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