Welcome To Rwenzori Youth Initiatives For Development (RWEYIDA)

AIM: To effectively empoweryouth and children with knowledge and skills to self reliance and development. Improving agriculture and sustainable environmental .

Objectives:To plan, implement,empower youth and adolescents with skills and knowledge of Reproductive Health and rights. plan, implement, monitor, and evalaute youth development ,sexual and reproductive health activities for the youth in and out of school. -To create awareness on the cause -effect relationship and prevention of HIV/AIDS promoting vocational skill trainings among the youth and adolescents . promote environmental education through trainings and workshops so as to mitigate climate change.

Vision: An empowered and transformed youth and women for sustainable economic development. - To fight drug abuse among youth and adolescents as away of preventing criminality.

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Baluku Eri +256 782347120,

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