Welcome To Women United For Economic Empowerment

Women United for Economic Empowerment (WUEE) is a non–profit organization promoting women’s rights, disadvantaged children’s rights, human development to the rural/urban poor women, children and youths to be self-sufficient through economic empowerment.

1. To empower to defend their right and obtain justice at all time, and take rightful position in all trades, politics and in all spheres of life in society.

2. Educate the girl-child to maturity to enhance her usefulness to the society and contribute to nation building

3. Remove the inferiority in women and encourage them to aspire to higher positions without barrier in society

4. Education of the rural women to equate with the urban literate women

5. Granting soft loan to rural women to enable them engage in trade of their choice

6. To encourage women to compete with men in all spheres of life e.g. education, creative activities and technological advancement

7. To assist the less fortunate in society e.g. widows, motherless babies, handicap people by encouraging them to engage in trade of their ability and offer cash and material donations to them periodically

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